Man on roof fixing shingles with a nail gun.

Roof maintenance tips for your home


Every second of every day, your roof is put to the test. Sunlight can cause shingles to curl 和 crack, 而且很闷, overheated attic can make them age faster. To keep air flowing in your attic, 是否安装了挡板以防止绝缘材料堵塞软通风口. 雨水和冰雹也会对瓦片造成破坏,飓风会把瓦片刮走,甚至刮掉下面的甲板. 久而久之,哪怕是一点点 屋顶漏水 会导致昂贵的维修吗. Why not stop damage before it starts? 学习如何识别问题的最初迹象,并采取措施使你的屋顶更坚固.

Roof damage — signs to look for


  • 寻找那些缺失的、卷曲的、拔罐的、破碎的或破裂的瓦片. Check valleys for damaged or deteriorated materials.
  • Look in gutters 和 downspouts for excessive granular loss. 制造商在沥青合成瓦上覆盖颗粒,以阻挡太阳的紫外线, 但自然老化会导致颗粒侵蚀和暴露沥青. Granular loss begins during installation 和 occurs daily. 这是一个预期的情况,但过多的损失可能表明一个问题.
  • 水泡, or small bubble-like raised areas on shingles, 当瓦片层之间的水分被加热并上升到表面时是否会出现. 的se blisters can break open, causing grit to fall away. 水泡 are often a result of poor ventilation in the attic, causing heat to build up beneath the roof.
  • 屋顶(尤其是浅色瓦的屋顶)上有时出现的深色斑点和条纹是由蓝绿藻引起的. This is more likely to happen in hot, humid areas. 随着时间的推移,藻类会损坏瓦板,应该由专业的屋顶清洁人员清除.
  • Tree branches that are rubbing against the roof should be 修剪.
  • 管道通风口和烟囱周围的闪光不应生锈、破裂或松动.
  • 保持屋顶,山谷, gutters 和 downspouts free from leaves, twigs 和 other litter to allow for proper drainage.
  • Water should not be pooling on low-pitched roofs. This may be an indication of inadequate drainage.


  • 检查阁楼是否漏水,因为漏水会在椽子和甲板底部留下深色污渍. 最有可能的区域是烟囱、通风口、天窗和山谷周围.
  • 检查 模具 on the underside of roof decking. 这通常发生在通风不好的时候,潮湿的空气在阁楼上积聚.
  • See if decking is sagging between the rafters. 塌塌的地板材料或破碎的椽子可能已经被一致性严重损坏, 长期泄漏.
  • Make sure soffit 和 ridge vents, 山墙通风口和任何屋顶通风口不被绝缘材料或储存物品堵塞. 适当的通风将有助于防止潮湿造成的结构损坏, 增加屋面材料寿命, 减少能源消耗,提高阁楼以下房间的舒适度. 
    • requirements for proper attic ventilation 可能差别很大, 这取决于房屋或建筑物位于美国的哪个地区, as well as the structure's conditions, 比如暴露在阳光下, 阴凉处和湿度.
  • 确保你的阁楼地板上覆盖着一层无缝隙的隔热层,以帮助防止暖气或空调空气从你的家里逸出.

该做的时候 更换屋顶

Your shingles may have a warranty of 15, 30年甚至50年, but they may not last as long depending on the pitch of your roof, 安装质量, 你所在地区的阁楼通风质量和天气状况. 如果你的屋顶瓦不好,或者你的屋顶有严重的磨损迹象, 请屋顶专业人员为您检查,并确定是否需要更换. If your roof has been badly damaged by 冰雹 or wind, contact your insurance company. 以下是安装新屋顶前需要考虑的一些事情:


  • 如果下大雪, 冰雹 or strong winds are common in your area, 建筑规范可能不允许用新瓦覆盖旧屋顶. In other areas, building codes may only allow one roof re-cover.
  • When a re-covered roof wears out, both layers of shingles need to be removed, 和 new underlayment 和 shingles installed.


  • 沥青瓦, also known as composition shingles, are the 最常见的带状疱疹 用于U.S. 房屋. 的y are made with either tough roofing felt or a fiberglass mat, 饱和沥青,并在暴露的一面涂上矿物颗粒.
  • 板岩, 有多种颜色和等级可供选择,被认为非常耐用. But it is more expensive than other roofing products, 和 its installation takes special skill 和 experience.
  • 金属屋面产品 装上嵌板和瓦片. Panels are available in different shapes, 而金属瓦通常看起来像木瓦和瓷砖. Metal roofs are durable 和 relatively lightweight, though they can be noisy during rain or 冰雹storms. Some have a Class A fire rating.
  • 合成屋面产品 are made to resemble slate 和 wood shingles 和 shakes. Some are highly fire- 和 impact-resistant.


When you're shopping around for new shingles, remember to check how well they rate for fire, 风和 耐冲击. Many roofing products are tested with st和ards created by Underwriters Laboratories (UL)调频全球 to evaluate how well they st和 up to extreme conditions. 根据 家顾问, the following are some ratings you should look for:

  • – If your area is prone to high winds or hurricanes, you'll want shingles that are more likely to stay put during a storm. 根据ASTM D 7158标准进行评估的瓦片可以被评为D级(90英里/小时)。, G (120 mph) or H (150 mph) rating.
  • 火  防火瓦被UL分为A、B或C三类,其中A级最高.
  • 影响  UL 2218和FM 4473标准将瓦板的抗冲击等级从1级(最弱)到4级(最坚韧)不等。. 一些pp王者电子官网公司可能会为带有抗冲击瓦的房产提供折扣. Ask your insurance agent if you qualify1.

Keep a lid on roof repair costs

Just by keeping an eye out for problems, 你可以保护你的房子免受损坏,也可以省下昂贵的维修费用.

Start a conversation today with a 状态 Farm®代理 关于在房主pp王者电子官网上省钱,以及学习更多的房屋维护技巧.

1 合格金属制品, 排除金属屋顶产品的某些损害将是你们保单的一部分. 详情请咨询您的代理.

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