Business owner shoveling snow to clear a sidewalk in order to prevent slip 和 falls in the workplace.

Protect your business property from slip 和 falls

What small business owners/l和lords can do to help prevent slips, 绊倒和跌倒,如果发生了该怎么做.

作为财产所有者或房东, you want to maintain a safe home or business for family, 朋友, 雇员和租户. To reduce the potential for slip 和 fall accidents, you might want to consider the following safety tips:

General safety tips to prevent slips, trips 和 falls

  • 在公司周围保持充足的照明, 在停车场, on sidewalks 和 in stairways to make areas safer for customers. Commercial LED lights are typically recommended for businesses in order to provide additional security benefits.
  • 确保 排水沟和落水管 don't drain water onto walkways or into parking areas. Water 和 puddles can easily lead to slips 和 can become icy if the temperature drops below freezing.
  • 迅速清理你生意周围的任何溢出物. Conduct detailed inspections of the business work area on a regular basis. This includes the interior 和 exterior to quickly identify potential hazards. 张贴警告标志提醒员工, 顾客和客人注意危险, 同时进行维修或清理工作.
  • Repair or replace torn carpets, rugs, loose or missing floor tiles or any other flooring materials.
  • 有一个 清除冰雪的计划 on sidewalks, stairs, parking areas 和 around dumpsters.
  • 总是修补坑洼 或者是不平坦的车道和停车场.


  • Install h和rails on stairways 和 ramps in accordance with local building codes.
  • 确保扶手牢固牢固.
  • Consider using nonslip surfaces, such as carpet, on stairs.


  • Repair uneven surfaces, large cracks or bumps in the sidewalk.
  • Remove obstructions from walkways, such as ladders 和 other maintenance equipment.
  • 如果有草坪洒水系统, turn it off 和 drain the system when the temperature nears freezing. If you don't, the pipes can freeze, create leaks 和 icy patches.


  • Make sure to have a manager on duty whenever possible.
  • 邮政紧急电话号码.
  • 把应急包放在手边并备好 .
  • Investigate 和 keep a record of incidents, including who was involved, dates 和 circumstances. 管理层应审查所有事件报告.
  • Select adequate insurance coverage in the event an accident occurs.
  • Provide slip-和-fall safety training to your employees.
  • 是否有事故预防计划.


  • First of all, if the customer's injury warrants it, seek medical attention for the person. Allow medical 和 emergency personnel to take care of the injured person.
  • 收集重要信息, like name 和 contact phone number of the person that suffered the fall. Also, collect other details like the time 和 place of the incident. If possible, take pictures of the exact location w在这里 it happened.
  • If you 和/or the person who suffered the accident determine a claim is needed, 及时联系你的pp王者电子官网公司. Follow their process to document the claim accurately, in a timely manner.

与朋友交谈 国营农场® 代理 今天了解更多 为你的生意控制损失的技巧小企业pp王者电子官网.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 国营农场® (including 国营农场 Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 国营农场 makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.








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