Car insurance coverage options

对复杂的pp王者电子官网条款有简单的定义, State Farm®在这里帮助您确定正确的汽车pp王者电子官网范围.


pp王者电子官网范围有不同的限额,在某些情况下,还有免赔额. 这些pp王者电子官网还提供不同程度的财务保障.

Collision coverage

Collision coverage 帮助支付修理或更换您的车辆,如果它倾覆或碰撞与其他车辆或物体.

Comprehensive coverage

Comprehensive coverage 帮助支付修理或更换您的车辆,如果它是由其他东西损坏,而不是碰撞, including theft, fire, vandalism, or hitting an animal.

Liability coverage

Liability coverage 支付另一方的医疗费用, vehicle repairs, 还有财产损失如果你对事故负责的话.

Uninsured & underinsured motor vehicle coverage

如果你在事故中受伤,而肇事者没有足够的责任pp王者电子官网,或者根本没有责任pp王者电子官网, uninsured & underinsured motorist coverage 帮助支付医疗费用、痛苦和损失的工资. 当另一个(有过错的)司机撞到你而没有足够的pp王者电子官网时,这个pp王者电子官网也可以帮助支付你的财产损失, or doesn’t have insurance at all.

Medical payments coverage

Medical payments coverage 如果被pp王者电子官网人在事故中受伤或死亡,帮助支付医疗和丧葬费用.

Rideshare driver coverage

如果你为优步或来福车这样的拼车公司开车,我们会提供有竞争力的价格 rideshare insurance 为司机和乘客,为州立农场汽车pp王者电子官网客户.

Emergency road service coverage

Emergency road service coverage 可以帮助你再次行动-快速-无论是拖车或路边维修如爆胎.


Rental car reimbursement coverage 当你的车还在店里的时候,帮助你支付租一辆新车的费用. 旅行费用pp王者电子官网帮助支付餐费, lodging, 如果你在离家50英里以外的地方发生事故,还有交通工具.


While “full coverage” isn’t defined, 它可以意味着有一个一揽子的覆盖范围,为您提供保护,以满足您的需求. 这意味着你有责任和人身伤害pp王者电子官网,比如 comprehensive and collision coverage. 请记住,有可选的pp王者电子官网,比如 rental and emergency roadside service that you also may wish to consider.

Collision insurance 包括修理或更换您的车辆,如果它倾覆或碰撞与其他车辆或物体. It requires a deductible.

Comprehensive insurance 包括被盗或因火灾等原因损坏的车辆, windstorm, hail, flood, theft, vandalism, falling objects, and/or hitting an animal. 对他人财产的损害或医药费. 它需要额外的pp王者电子官网费用. It may require a deductible.

pp王者电子官网选择、免赔额和折扣 may affect your policy cost, 还有你的驾驶记录, credit score (where permitted by law), and other third-party reports.

Discover what happens if someone else drives your car and gets into an accident.

Our additional rideshare driver coverage 只是扩大了你已经拥有的个人州立pp王者电子官网公司汽车pp王者电子官网的覆盖范围. 除了运输网络公司(TNC)为您提供的pp王者电子官网外,它还为您提供保障。.

您将从您的个人汽车pp王者电子官网中获得保护, including the limits and deductibles. 当您在应用程序上时,您将获得相同的保护级别.

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Simple Insights®

寻求帮助保护您的车辆? You’ve come to the right place. Articles from Simple Insights 借鉴了州立农场100多年的经验.

请记住,上面的描述只是对pp王者电子官网范围的一般描述,而不是对合同的说明. 所有pp王者电子官网均受所有保单条款和适用背书的约束. Coverage options may vary by state. 要了解有关您所在州的汽车pp王者电子官网范围的更多信息,请联系您的 State Farm agent.

State Farm Indemnity Company
Bloomington, IL

Richardson, TX