
ATV safety tips

Taking the proper ATV safety steps can help keep you and your family safe while you enjoy your riding experience.

All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are a great way to have fun and enjoy the outdoors. 但一个人的操作需要适当的指导和准备.

According to the U.S. 美国消费者产品安全委员会(CPSC) November 2021 report从2016年到2018年,全地形车造成了1566起致命事故. Overturning and collisions with stationary objects or other vehicles were the major hazards resulting in these fatalities.

Whether you're doing daily chores around the farm or weekend trail rides, 使用全地形车时,请采取适当的措施确保安全.


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  • 考虑参加亚视培训课程 全地形车的时速可超过60英里,而且很容易翻车. Practicing basic techniques and knowing how to stay safe while riding one is essential. 典型的课程主题包括:开始和停止, quick turning, hill riding, 紧急停车、急转弯和越过障碍物. 有些课程还会复习有关防护装备的信息, local regulations, 骑车的地方和环境问题. Visiting offroad-ed 对于在线培训和可能的认证可能是一个良好的开端.
  • 穿戴适合季节和/或天气的防护装备 -这包括交通部批准的头盔, over-the-ankle boots, goggles, gloves, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt or jacket that can help protect against possible cuts and other injuries. Having the right gear is important so that you will be warm or cool enough for the duration of the ride.
  • Don't carry passengers -大多数全地形车都是为一人设计的. Carrying a passenger can make an ATV difficult to control and be very dangerous.
  • 进行适当的保养 - A pre-ride checklist can help you double check that your ATV is functioning properly and safe to drive. The fuel and oil, tires, brakes, steering, chain, 散热器和电池是你需要考虑检查的几件事.
  • Leave a riding plan - Let others know where you will be riding and how long you plan on being gone — similar to a boater's float plan.
  • 检查你的pp王者电子官网,确保它是最新的 - 联系您当地的State Farm®代理 如果你有问题或需要关于 insuring your ATV.


If you're going to be riding long distance or all day, pack the essentials. 如果你的全地形车没有足够的储物空间,那就背个背包吧. 下面列出了一些建议.

  • 手机或对讲机 - Carry a fully charged cell phone in case of an emergency, especially if riding alone. Helpful hint: put your communication devices in a waterproof bag to help protect them from water damage.
  • Winch -无论是独自骑行还是与他人一起骑行, a winch can provide the pulling power you need if an ATV gets stuck in rough terrain.
  • First aid kit - Injuries from any sport are common, so it's a good idea to have a first aid kit on hand.
  • 轮胎修理工具和充气装置 -别让爆胎拖累你. Bring some form of inflation device (as storage permits) whether it's an electric pump, 手动泵或二氧化碳充气机.
  • Water and snacks - Dehydration or any heat-related illness can be a big concern in warm climates, so fill up your water bottle before you head out. Riding offroad can take a lot of concentration and energy — healthy trail mix and bananas may be good options to help you replenish.
  • Map - Depending on where you ride, a simple low-tech map may help you find your way.
  • Lighter and/or matches -拥有点火的能力可能会拯救你的生命.
  • Basic tool kit - A kit could contain: a screwdriver with interchangeable bits, electrical tape, pliers and a wrench.
  • 小跳跃包,以防电池没电 -现在大多数全地形车都是电动启动的. Small battery packs can be used with cables to jump start a machine and also provide added battery life for your cell phone.


  • 熟悉你的骑行路线 - Mapping out private or designated trails where you'll be riding can make your experience more enjoyable. The website stepoutside.org 提供一些骑行路线资源,如地图和移动应用程序.
  • Ride at proper speed - ATVs can be unstable and difficult to maneuver when driven too fast for conditions. To avoid flipping, maintain proper speed for the terrain, especially on uneven ground. 在接近山丘、转弯和障碍物时也要小心.
  • No tricks or stunts -这些动作在电视上看起来既有趣又简单, 但它们极其危险,最好留给专家去处理. 大多数伤害发生在全地形车操作不当时.
  • Avoid drugs and alcohol - They can greatly impair judgment and reaction time, and may lead to a serious accident or injury.
  • Stay off the pavement -全地形车不能在铺砌的道路上行驶. 它们可能不稳定,在高速行驶时难以控制, and have a risk of overturning and colliding with other vehicles on the road. The wide and low-pressure tires are designed to be driven on rough terrain only.

ATV safety tips for kids

  • 确定你的孩子是否准备好了 - Operating an ATV requires the rider to recognize and react to all sorts of potential hazards. 需要考虑的因素包括身体因素, social, 孩子的情绪和运动发展, 以及做出正确决定的能力. 亚视安全研究所有一个 readiness checklist 帮助您对孩子的准备情况做出明智的决定.
  • 教育自己和孩子 - See about getting the proper training on how to safely operate an ATV. The resources on atvsafety.org 可以帮你开始吗.
  • 避免让儿童驾驶成人全地形车 - 超过90%的致命亚视事故和伤害 16岁以下儿童在乘坐成人全地形车时死亡. 遵循制造商的最低年龄建议.
  • 密切监督你的孩子 - Children on ATVs should be supervised at all times to ensure they are operating them safely.

No matter your age, 具备驾驶水平或多年驾驶全地形车的经验, 做好准备,把安全放在首位.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

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