Woman working on motorcycle in a garage.

Motorcycle won’t start?


如果你的摩托车坐了一段时间后不能启动,尽量不要过多考虑这个问题. 摩托车不能启动有一个简单的解决办法, and you may have to check things more than once, so let’s check the simple things first.

Is the battery charged?

电池充满电对自行车启动至关重要. 你可以用喇叭或前灯检查电池. If they don't work, or your lights are dim, 那么你的电池可能是罪魁祸首,可能需要根据你的用户手册充电. Or perhaps a new battery is needed.

Look at the battery for defects

  • Verify that the battery is installed properly
  • Look for fluid leaks
  • Check the battery terminal for any broken parts
  • Inspect the battery case for cracks or bumps

偶尔,当自行车停放数周后,骑行者会把电池放在一个涓流充电器上. 请参阅您的用户手册,以确保使用正确类型的充电器并以正确的方式为电池充电. Good battery voltage should read between 12 and 14.5 volts at rest.


Is there gas in the fuel tank?

你可能确定你有燃料,但值得看看或摇动你的油箱. 煤气在一个月内就会变质,而且旧煤气不容易燃烧. 如果可能,取下油箱盖,看看是否有燃油. 新鲜的汽油闻起来清脆而尖锐,颜色也较浅. 劣质燃料闻起来会有苦味或酸味,颜色也会变深.

Is the ignition switch in the “on/run” position?

It may seem obvious, 但在按启动按钮之前,请检查点火开关是否处于开启/运行位置.

Is the kill switch turned to the “off” position?

发动机熄火或切断开关的位置是一个经常被忽视的步骤. Many people don't use it regularly, so when it is used or someone else rides your bike, you may forget about the switch. 如果它在“关”的位置,把开关转到“开”或“运行”,尝试启动自行车.

Is the side stand up?

有些摩托车可能不会启动与侧站下来. 自行车可能有一个支架安全开关,在侧支架处于骑行位置之前不允许启动器参与. 如果它似乎卡住了,你可以尝试使用WD-40和牙刷来帮助松开它.

Is the bike receiving fuel?

如果启动器啮合并曲柄转动,但发动机不点火,请检查燃油阀. If the valve was in the "off" position, 打开它,然后等待15-20秒,让化油器接收燃油,然后再试一次.

Is the motorcycle in neutral gear?


Is the clutch lever pulled in all the way?


Is a fuse blown?

考虑有一组相同电流的备用pp王者电子官网丝. 用于启动自行车的主pp王者电子官网丝通常靠近电池正极线. 如果pp王者电子官网丝继续烧断,考虑让机械师检查一下自行车.

Is the tail pipe clear of debris?

Anything extra in the tailpipe, whether added by playful children or rodents, could prevent the bike from starting. Carefully clear out the debris and try again.

Does the motorcycle have a carburetor?

If carbureted, 是否将阻气门或混合气浓缩器设置到合适的位置,以便在当前温度下启动发动机? (同时考虑环境空气温度和发动机温度.)

如果所有这些项目都已检查/纠正/调整,摩托车仍然无法启动, additional diagnosis and tools may be needed.

And before you hit the open road, remember your motorcycle gear, wear a safe helmet, and check out these motorcycle safety tips. Also consider talking with your insurance agent to make sure you've selected the right motorcycle coverages.

本文中的信息来自与State Farm®无关的各种来源(包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

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Bloomington, IL

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