A man uses his laptop to work on his 将 and estate planning.

What is the difference between a 将 and a 信任?

遗嘱和信托 are an important part of estate planning. W在这里ver you are in the planning process, know your options.

遗产规划 可能很难想象,但这是每个人最终都需要做的事情. While you have probably heard the terms 将 and 信任, 您知道它们是什么以及每个文档的适当用途吗?

遗嘱和信托 两者都是用来为你死后的财产做计划的吗, but they serve different purposes.



A 是否有一份法律文件,说明你想如何处置你的资产,以及你死后谁来抚养你的未成年子女.

立一份遗嘱可以让你安心,因为你的愿望会被实现. This could mean providing for your loved ones or possibly the 慈善机构 由你选择. 有遗嘱可能会使你的遗产处理比没有遗嘱更容易、更快.


A 信任 是指一方(称为委托人)将为第三方(受益人)持有财产或资产的工作交给另一方(受托人)。.

信托有两种基本类型:生前信托和遗嘱信托. A 生活的信任 你是否与受托人签订了协议——谁拥有你财产的合法所有权. It is created and goes into effect while you are still alive. A testamentary 信任 信托是否会在你死后生效,并且通常会写在遗嘱里.


将s and 生活的信任s have some basic similarities:

  • Distribute property to beneficiaries. In both a 将 and a 信任, 你可以提供说明说明如何在你死后分配你的财产给 beneficiaries you choose.
  • 可以修改. If you wish to make changes, 遗嘱和可撤销的信托都可以在你死前的任何时候修改,如果你的精神状态良好的话.


  • Requires appointment of an executor. 在你死后,此人将在法庭监督下负责执行你的遗产, including resolving any claims from creditors, 完成所有法律事务,并将剩余资产分配给受益人.
  • Goes into effect only after you die. If you become disabled, physically or mentally, a guardianship may need to be established to manage your estate. Consult a qualified attorney for more information.
  • Allows the appointment of a guardian for minor children. In most states this is only possible with a 将.
  • May require probate. Probate is a legal process, supervised by the court, w在这里 your 将 is validated, all of your debts are settled, and your remaining assets are distributed to your beneficiaries. 的 遗嘱认证过程 may take a while to complete.
  • May be simpler to make. A 将 is generally easier to set up than a 信任.


  • Requires transfer of property. Property is not transferred directly to your beneficiaries, it must first be transferred into the 信任 you have created. 一般来说,对于个人财产,你可以把你的财产转让给信托. 然而, assets such as real estate, 汽车和不符合纳税条件的金融账户可能需要重新命名为信托的名称. 您还应该与您的遗产规划律师一起审查您的人寿pp王者电子官网和税务合格账户的受益人指定. If you do not transfer assets into your 信任 during your lifetime, the assets may still go through probate court.
  • Takes effect immediately. 一旦你创建并转移你的财产,生前信托就生效了.
  • 避免了遗嘱. 如果财产在你有生之年被恰当地转移到信托, it 将 generally avoid probate upon death, which can often expedite the administration process.
  • Requires appointment of a 信任ee. 这个人负责保管信托中的资产,并在你死后进行分配. 的 position is similar to an executor of a 将. 为了在您在世时保持对您财产的控制,您可以担任初始受托人. 如果你残疾或死亡,你应该指定一名继承受托人来执行你的愿望.
  • Maintains privacy after death. 由于遗嘱通常要经过遗嘱认证,因此它成为一份公共文件. 生前信托通常不会,而且可以用来保护你的私人事务.
  • 遗产规划 flexibility. Since a 生活的信任 does not require ongoing court oversight, 信托通常用于不希望将资产直接分配给受益人的情况. This can be for a number of reasons including: age of beneficiary, poor financial management, unstable marriage or substance abuse or gambling problems.

遗嘱和信托都是你的遗产规划律师用来帮助你和你的家人实现遗产规划目标的法律文件. Often, they are used together. 例如,信托可以在遗嘱中起草,以提供未成年子女. 和, 遗嘱通常用于确保在你生前未转移到生前信托的任何资产在你死后转移到你的信托.

W在这里ver you are in the process of planning for your estate,最好是 教育你自己 and stay informed — take a look at this estate planning checklist. 考虑向你所在州的一位合格的遗产规划律师咨询, as tax and probate laws vary from state to state.

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