Child riding safely in an airplane for the first time.

Tips for first time flyers


对于一些旅行者来说,第一次坐飞机可能会令人兴奋、害怕和不知所措. 人群、日程安排和不断变化的安全规定使机场成为一个压力很大的地方. 计划、准备和实践安全预防措施可以帮助你放松,并有一个顺利的旅行.

Plan your first time flying

Booking your flight

如果方便对你来说很重要,你可以从你选择的航空公司直接预订航班. 这通常允许你直接从他们的网站或通过电话购买门票. Though not as convenient, you can generally save money on your flight by obtaining several bids. 你可以直接向几家航空公司查询,也可以使用机票一次查询多家航空公司 搜索网站.

How to pack for a flight

您的一些物品可能需要在旅行期间或机场安检过程中使用. 这张单子的最上面是国内航班的身份证,国际航班的护照. Make sure these are current for you and anyone traveling with you. 你可能想把这些东西放在一个非常安全且容易拿到的地方,比如你的钱包或钱包,如果你有的话.

随身行李中经常接触的物品应该放在其他物品的顶部或放在前面的口袋里,以便快速获取. 这减少了其他物品在您访问它们时掉落的机会,并且可以减少您通过安全检查点所需的时间. For most travelers, items to pack for quick access include liquids (consisting of liquids, gels and lotions) and electronic devices. Liquids, gels and lotions have particular 运输安全管理局的指导方针 that will need to be followed. 经常检查大件物品,如滑雪板或高尔夫球棒,以及剪刀和小刀等尖锐物品. 如果你对你可以打包什么有疑问,打电话给你的航空公司或检查 这个列表 来自运输安全管理局.

Ground transportation

If you need ground transportation at your destination, it can help to research this prior to your trip. Depending on your situation, choices may include a rental car, taxi, ride sharing service酒店提供的班车或公共交通工具(如公共汽车、地铁或火车). 一些商业巴士服务可能有从机场到几个小时以外的城市的路线. Uninsured taxi drivers may try to solicit you, which is illegal. If you're taking a taxi, before accepting a ride, 了解机场是否有出租车站,授权司机将在那里等候.

安全 reminders for the first time flyer


考虑只带一个随身行李旅行,这样你就可以照看好你的行李. If you need to check a bag, 选择不显眼的行李,用运输安全管理局(TSA)认可的拉链或锁锁好。. 不要让穿制服的机场工作人员以外的人处理你的行李.


检查 安全协议 and explain it to your children before you leave for the airport. 帮助 them pack their bags to make sure they don't pack prohibited items. 建议体重在40磅以下的儿童乘坐儿童安全座椅. 提前和你的航空公司联系,看看他们提供什么,或者你可能需要带什么. Always keep your children close to you and accounted for at all times. 确保年幼的孩子不会在没有你陪伴的情况下徘徊、迷路或与陌生人交谈. Have a picture of any children in your care in case they get lost. 一种方法是用手机和你和孩子们自拍. 确保他们在繁忙的公共场所遵守你期望他们遵守的任何安全标准, such as who to talk to and w在这里 to go if they're lost. 如果你和一个蹒跚学步的孩子一起旅行,这些建议可能值得一读 traveling with a toddler.

Arriving at the airport


Allow plenty of time at the airport. 匆忙的旅客可能会把东西忘在安检处,或者把登机牌忘在美食广场上. 你不想错过你的航班和办理登机手续和安全检查, each of which could possibly have large lines and delays, you need to get t在这里 early. Plan to arrive at the airport at least two hours before your flight. 你应该提前30分钟到达登机口,因为登机口可能在起飞前10分钟或更早关闭.

Flight check in and departure process

一到机场,就去候机区找航空公司的值机柜台. 另外, most airlines allow you to check in online, on the phone or a self-service kiosk at the airport, which should save you time. 航空公司的候机服务台服务员可以很好地在最后一刻回答你的问题或担心,并可以帮助你托运行李. After that, just go through security and look for the gate for your flight. 有监视器会显示所有的航班和登机口以及出发和到达的城市. At some point before your departure time, a gate agent of the airline you're flying will arrive at that gate's desk. 在很多情况下, 你需要和他们办理登机手续,然后等到他们叫你的座位区登机.

In case t在这里 are questions or delays during your trip, 把航空公司的客服电话保存在手机上或写下来可能是值得的. We hope you enjoy your flight!

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.


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