


Learn about separation anxiety in dogs and how you can help your furry family member.

Your dog may react to change in their environment differently. Some pets don't mind a change in schedule or routine, while others may start to become stressed. Separation anxiety in dogs may be common and they need time to adapt and learn a family's new schedule.


Separation anxiety in dogs can occur at any time during their lifetime. In fact, your pet may experience separation anxiety as a puppy, adult dog or senior. T在这里 may be a number of reasons why your pet has separation anxiety. 例如, has your schedule recently changed, are you back to work or are kids back to school? 自然, your pets are part of the family and if t在这里's a change in your routine, your pet may start to feel the effects of the schedule change. 毕竟,你的狗可能喜欢和家人在一起!


Your pet may miss you while you're gone and the stress of you being gone may manifest in different ways. In fact, some pets become destructive, while others may tend to be more vocal. Check out the list of possible ways your dog may exhibit stress while you're away.


  • 过度吠叫或嚎叫
  • 过度咀嚼
  • 破坏物体或物品
  • Going to the bathroom in the house when they're potty trained
  • 踱步和抱怨

If you're unsure if your dog is experiencing separation anxiety, talk to your veterinarian. Their expertise and guidance can help determine the next best steps for your furry friend.


If your pet does have separation anxiety, it may take time for your 宠物会让你感觉好些. 例如, 你不在家会给他们带来压力, so working with your veterinarian is important for your specific situation. 也, every dog is different and they may require different approaches to help with their separation anxiety.


  • Check-in with your veterinarian and make sure you keep them updated on your pet's progress.
  • Practice leaving your pet for a certain amount of time and reward upon your return.
  • Pet enrichment and interactive toys can help ease your pet's anxiety while you're away. Consider keeping your pet's favorite toys out for them to play with while you're away.
  • Noise machines like white noise and fans can help your pet if they're feeling uneasy or anxious.
  • 奖励积极行为. This can help your pet learn and enrich the training process.
  • 如果你知道你的日程可能会改变, help prepare your pet with a test run so they can get used to the routine.
  • 提供一个宠物友好和安全的空间. This may include toys, a pet bed, blankets, crates and pet enrichment.
  • 当你在家的时候,和你毛茸茸的朋友共度美好时光. This may help your pet's stress and also can help solidify the human-pet bond.


Pets make great companions and their friendship is priceless. 当然,没有 宠物的主人 想要承受狗狗经历分离焦虑的压力. 如果你需要寻求 为宠物提供医疗护理研究你的宠物健康pp王者电子官网选择. You want to make sure your dog can get the medical care they need. 最重要的是, 带着耐心和爱, guidance from your veterinarian and a positive training schedule, 你的宠物可能很快就会在门口迎接你!

发现如何 宠物pp王者电子官网政策 能陪伴宠物一生吗.

条款和条件确实适用. 我们喜欢明智的决定. 请参阅Trupanion 政策 有关全面pp王者电子官网详情.

Pet insurance products are underwritten in the United 状态s by American 宠物pp王者电子官网 Company and ZPIC pp王者电子官网 Company, 6100 - 4号大街. 西雅图,华盛顿州98108. 由Trupanion Managers USA, Inc .管理. (CA license编号. 0g22803, NPN 9588590). 条款和条件适用,见 完整的政策 详情请访问Trupanion网站.

州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司, 其子公司及附属公司, neither offer nor are financially responsible for pet insurance products. 状态 Farm is a separate entity and is not affiliated with Trupanion or American 宠物pp王者电子官网.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and 其子公司及附属公司). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance 政策. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



如果你打算带一只新宠物回家, 在采用之前,您需要考虑这些因素.


你的宠物在车里自由放养吗? 最好查一下当地法律,用板条箱或绳子把她拴起来.


Thunderstorms and severe weather are common triggers of pet anxiety. 而是通过积极主动地为宠物做好准备, and by learning how to calm your dog or cat during a thunderstorm, 你可以帮助缓解他们对暴风雨的焦虑.


No 宠物的主人 wants the stress of a sick pet or unanticipated bills. Fortunately, pet medical insurance can help with those unexpected costs.