
How to budget for non-monthly expenses

每个人全年都有不定期或非每月的支出. Find out more about budgeting and managing them.

Compared to fixed budget expenses such as rent, mortgage, car or other regular monthly payments, non-monthly expenses are easily forgotten when budgeting. 即使是杂货、汽油、水电费等可变费用.,你通常知道或可以估计预算的金额.

Unfortunately, irregular expenses, variable expenses, 非每月开支或冲动消费可能会破坏预算. Generally, for many people, these include vacations, unexpected taxes, emergencies, car repairs, holiday gifts or impulse purchases. Budgeting and planning ahead can help ease the financial impact and stress when the unexpected comes up.

Not a budgeter, you say? If you earn money and spend money, you budget! 无论你是把电子表格精确到一分钱,还是把账单和收据扔进抽屉里, it's easy to forget about non-monthly expenses.

Who experiences non-monthly expenses?

Everyone! 这些偷偷摸摸的开支可能会让你觉得很紧急,但你可以为它们做预算. 你也可以为长期计划购买的东西存钱.

回顾一下你最近的银行和信用卡账单,看看你是否有预算破坏者. Did you see that expense coming? 如果你做了,你可以为下次做准备.

How to budget for irregular expenses

了解你如何花钱是很重要的. 检查你的银行账户或信用卡账单,寻找没有预算的费用. Make a list of things such as routine car maintenancepp王者电子官网免赔额、生日及节日礼品等. 展望一下这一年,看看你是否有任何计划好的旅行或活动,这样你就可以提前预算和计划这些费用.

Utilize a budget calculator 为了帮助你开始创建一个预算,包括你确定的费用,或者看看你可以在哪里削减开支.

Irregular expenses examples

  • Insurance premiums — (Homeowners, Auto, Life, Health, Disability)
  • Home — (Property taxes, Appliances, Furniture, Lawn care)
  • Auto — (Repairs, Maintenance, Tires, Registrations)
  • Health -(医药费、眼镜、检查、免赔额、牙科检查)
  • Education — (Supplies, Testing, Tuition, Registration, Fees)
  • Pet — (Insurance(兽医护理、疫苗接种、美容、登机)
  • Leisure/Hobbies -(餐饮、电影、度假、运动、礼品、移动设备)


控制非月度和年度支出可以帮助确保它们在发生时不会超出你的预算. 对你赚的钱有一个明确的计划是最重要的 foundation of smart money management.

试着把你的非每月开支账户和你的主要银行账户分开. 将这些费用与其他预算分开是防止猝不及防的一种方法. 把它们分开可以在你存钱的时候防止可能的诱惑.

Create an emergency fund

很难做最坏的打算,但如果出现金融紧急情况, 为财务紧急情况做计划将使所有相关人员的时间压力减轻. It helps to have an emergency fund.

Using a savings calculator 可以帮助你决定你应该在应急基金中存多少钱.

You got this

现在你知道“不知道从哪里冒出来”的费用有另一个名字:非月度费用. With a little knowledge and some pro tips, you'll be ready to pay for that extra gift, plane ticket or new license plate sticker.

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