

如果你的房子建于1978年之前, 偶尔在那之后, 含铅涂料中可能含有铅, 所以请阅读这些安全提示.

如果你的房子建于1978年之前,它很可能含有含铅涂料. 即使它是在1978年后建造的, 如果油漆工用的是一罐旧油漆,那么油漆中可能还含有铅. 在极少数情况下, inspectors have found lead paint in housing built even in the 1990’s because the painter had stocked up on paint and used the old cans. 根据疾病预防控制中心的数据, 大约2900万套住房含有含铅涂料. Lead exposure isn't something to take lightly, particularly if you have young children.


铅对所有年龄的人都有危险, 但6岁以下的儿童尤其容易受到影响. Some of the effects of lead exposure — even low levels — in children and adults can include:

  • 损害肾脏和神经系统.
  • 学习障碍.
  • 说话、语言和行为方面的问题.
  • 身体发育缓慢.
  • 高危妊娠和生育问题.
  • 高血压.
  • 消化问题.

在医生办公室做一个简单的血液测试就能检测出铅中毒. 治疗铅中毒的最好方法是去除或尽量减少接触铅.


A good starting point for identifying lead paint is to know the age of your home. 房子越老,油漆含铅的可能性就越大. If it was built before 1978, to be on the safe side, assume that you have lead paint. 1978年以前建造的房屋:

  • If the paint is flaking off, that's a sign that it's older paint and more likely to have lead. Flaking paint also means it's exponentially dangerous to small children who might ingest it, 所以这种情况应该得到补救.
  • 如果你看到有迹象表明有多层涂料相互叠加在一起, 这就增加了含铅涂料在原始层的可能性。.
  • 如果你在房子建造的时候给木头或金属上了漆, 这些表面很可能是铅的候选者.
  • You could contact previous owners who lived in the home and ask if they may know for sure if t在这里 is lead paint. They might know about it if they lived in the home prior to 1978 or have previously tested it for lead.
  • 有各种各样的测试工具可供使用.
  • x射线荧光(XRF)也可用于分析. XRF设备对于大多数非专业铅检测来说成本过高, 但也有一些专业人士使用它们.
  • 如果你怀疑家里有铅, 你可以雇佣一个有资质的检查员或风险评估员来测试你的房子.


If your home has lead-based paint, take these steps to help keep your family safe.

  • 检查表面. 形状良好的含铅涂料不会构成威胁. But wear and tear is likely, particularly with painted window frames, 门, doorframes and stairs. 定期检查表面是否有剥落、碎裂或损坏.
  • 保持清洁. 即使是几粒含铅涂料也可能是危险的. 定期擦地板, 窗台和其他油漆覆盖的表面,使它们远离铅尘.
  • Performing any work that could agitate the lead paint is not recommended for the average do it yourself remodeler. Specialized tools, training and materials should be used for most of these projects. 例如, 环境保护署(EPA)认证的承包商使用危险品防护服, niosh认证的呼吸器和HEPA真空吸尘器等工具. 环保署的改革, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP) requires that only EPA certified companies work on renovations or repairs that may cause any lead paint disturbance. Even if you're a landlord working on your own rental property, this rule applies to you. 小心改造. Home improvements that involve scraping or disturbing paint may release toxic lead dust. RRP规则不适用于在自己的住所工作的个人, 所以如果你决定自己动手, 尽可能多地学习 无铅装修措施 并遵循环保局的指导方针. 或者,更好的 ...
  • 雇佣专业人士. 找一家铅安全认证的装修公司来帮助你完成下一个项目, 或者聘请一个有资质的铅减排承包商来永久清除铅. Find certified inspection, risk assessment, abatement and renovation firms on the 环保局的网站. 如果你雇佣专业人士, it's worthwhile to read this article so you can be aware of your options and better communicate with professionals regarding lead paint mitigation.


Painting over lead is generally the easiest way to provide some protection against lead paint, 但它也是最无效的. Painting over lead paint is very susceptible to wear and other damage and requires that the surface is clean, 光滑,没有令人望而却步的损伤. 在此基础上更进一步是封装含铅涂料.


  • 封装会磨损. 出于这个原因, 您应该避免封装在高流量区域,如地板, 门, 抽屉和窗户.
  • Encapsulation is particularly a danger for wooden areas such as windowsills and trim w在这里 the sweet taste present in lead paint or the feel of biting on the wood might encourage a child or pet to bite through the encapsulation. Most types of encapsulation will better deter this compared to doing nothing or simply painting over it, 但暴露于损害的危险仍然存在.
  • 密封剂本身可能含有有害的化学物质.
  • 封装可以减少表面的细节,如饰边或冠形.


  • 确保表面光滑、干净、无光泽、无破损. 如果它损坏了,修复这个区域和损坏的来源. 如果它有光泽, the area may need to be roughed up in order for the encapsulation to ad在这里 properly, 哪些会释放铅尘. If t在这里 are cracks, paint flaking or other issues with the surface, those issues should be remedied. 当这些问题得到缓解时,要小心避免接触含铅油漆.
  • 有几种类型的密封剂可供选择. 按照说明书进行封装. 不同的表面可能需要不同的封装产品. 封装产品的类型包括:
    • 柔性膜涂层. 这些是聚合物应用与辊,刷或无气喷枪.
    • 坚硬但有弹性的膜. These are epoxy or polyurethane polymers applied with a roller, brush or airless spray gun.
    • 硬、厚、不灵活的涂层. These are cement like materials containing polymers usually applied with a trowel.


在某些情况下,用建筑材料覆盖含铅油漆是另一种选择. 确保旧的含铅油漆没有暴露出来,比如在角落. 在这个过程中,含铅油漆仍然会受到干扰, so safety precautions are necessary to avoid exposure and you may need to hire a professional. Ensure that down the road t在这里 won’t be issues with the covering surfaces that require removal (cracks or bulges forming, 想要改变房间的风格, 等.),因为这可能是一个更昂贵的问题. 你需要为你选择的方法准备合适的表面. 有相当多的选择,包括:

  • 用石膏板覆盖的.
  • 墙纸覆盖.
  • 用船皮覆盖的. 许多类型的船板在每块板之间留有空隙. 如果是这种情况,请确保适当地封装或减轻间隙. 注意,如果差距足够大, 孩子们仍然可以用手指通过, 铅笔, crayons or other tools they might come up with and some pets could still get to the paint. 碎片或油漆灰尘也可能从裂缝中掉下来.
  • 用墙板覆盖.


A proper removal is the surest remediation, but removal can also be the most dangerous and costly. This is because removal can create more exposure to lead from lead dust than other methods and the cosmetics of the mitigated surface still generally need to be dealt with. As indicated earlier, lead paint removal should be done by a qualified professional. If you’d like more details on how a qualified professional will go about this task — or you want to mitigate the residence you live in and have the talent, time and willingness to go through great effort to ensure the safety of yourself and those you live with — you can read 引导安全翻新,维修和油漆的步骤 由环保局发布.

透过油漆看过去. 铅也可能存在于被带入房屋的土壤中, 在一些孩子的玩具上,甚至在旧的管道和管道上. 你的自来水里有铅吗?

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.







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