Property and casualty insurance document folders.

Personal property and casualty insurance

Property and casualty insurance document folders.

What is personal property and casualty insurance? 了解更多关于汽车,房主,船只,公寓,租房者和更多的信息.

Protecting what you own

Property and casualty (P&C)是一个术语,通常用来描述旨在保护个人免受他或她所拥有的实物资产损失或损害的pp王者电子官网. 例如, a fire may seriously damage or completely destroy a home. 没有足够的 房屋pp王者电子官网 为了提供维修或重建的资金,这样的损失可能是一场金融灾难. Homeowner's policies can also provide protection for the 家里的内容, such as furniture, appliances and other personal belongings.

许多P&C的政策 also provide liability protection. 例如, 造成事故的车主可能会被法院要求(被认定为“有责任”)赔偿他人的财产损失, 医疗费用, lost wages or pain and suffering. The dollar amounts of such court decisions can be enormous.


T在这里 is a wide variety of property and casualty policies. 可以在基本保单中添加一些额外的pp王者电子官网(背书),以提供针对仅在某些地理区域存在的风险的保护, to protect specific types of property, or to cover a temporary situation. Some of the most common types of policies and endorsements include:

  • 汽车pp王者电子官网: 汽车的政策 通常包括物理损坏的修复、医疗费用的支付和责任保护. 一项单独的政策通常用于涵盖休闲车辆,如汽车之家, 高尔夫球车, 雪地摩托, 预告片, 全地形车或露营车.
  • Homeowner's insurance: A 房主的政策 can provide protection for both the home and its contents, against a wide range of perils, as well as provide very broad personal liability coverage.
  • Condo unit owner's insurance: Similar to the 房主的政策, the condo unit owner's policy 主要的区别在于覆盖主要是为内容提供的.
  • 租房者pp王者电子官网: 租房者的政策 为个人租赁房屋、公寓或公寓的个人财产提供pp王者电子官网. 租客pp王者电子官网也可以包括个人责任pp王者电子官网,类似于房主或公寓业主的pp王者电子官网.
  • 地震pp王者电子官网: 地震 insurance is normally offered as an endorsement to a homeowner's, 公寓单位业主的政策或房客的政策,以防止地震造成的损失. It can also be a stand-alone policy.
  • 洪水pp王者电子官网: 洪水 insurance is provided through a separate policy. 联邦政府是防洪政策的最终担保人.
  • 船舶pp王者电子官网: 船舶的政策 承保个人使用小型船只(如船只或水上摩托艇)或大型船只(如远洋游艇)的损失和责任.
  • 伞责任: 作为基本责任保障的超额或灾难性保障,提供了大多数其他P&C的政策. The liability coverage offered by an "" policy begins w在这里 the coverage in a basic policy ends and, 在某些情况下, offers broader protection.


pp王者电子官网服务办公室(ISO)和美国pp王者电子官网服务协会(AAIS)是向pp王者电子官网公司提供精算和损失信息的行业服务组织&Cpp王者电子官网公司. These service organizations also provide standardized, uniform policy agreements, 被称为“形式," which are used by many insurers.1 这种标准化的保单形式使消费者更容易理解保单的条款,并比较不同pp王者电子官网公司提供的保单.

Understand the contract

pp王者电子官网单是被pp王者电子官网人与pp王者电子官网公司之间的书面合同. The protection provided by P&所有类型的C政策通常代表个人整体风险管理计划的重要组成部分. 因此, 对于pg电子官方网页版来说,阅读和理解关键的保单条款是很重要的, 如:

  • What perils (or risks) are covered in the policy? Two basic approaches are involved. 在“指定风险”形式中,pp王者电子官网单将只指定所涵盖的风险. In the "all-risk" form, pp王者电子官网单将只列出那些未包括的风险,并为所有其他风险提供保护.
  • What perils are not covered? 在很多情况下, 被排除在外的险种可以通过背书和支付额外pp王者电子官网费来承保.
  • What are the policy limits? 如果发生损失,pp王者电子官网公司可支付的最高赔偿额是多少? Is a home that would cost $200,000 to rebuild insured for $100,000?
  • What are the deductible amounts? A policy deductible is the "self-insurance" element in an insurance policy; the term refers to the part of the loss the policy buyer must pay before the insurance company pays its portion. 免赔额可以是一个固定的金额,也可以是损失时pp王者电子官网价值的一个百分比.
  • 通货膨胀的影响: A home built 20 years ago can be rebuilt, but at a much higher cost. Most policy forms provide for replacement cost of a home 内容,以及每年2%到6%的通货膨胀率.
  • In the event of a loss, what are the duties of the insured? 每份保单都会规定被pp王者电子官网人在发生损失时必须采取的某些措施.

Seek professional guidance

pp王者电子官网 agents and brokers, pp王者电子官网顾问和其他受过培训的财务顾问可以帮助提供有关特定政策问题的详细答案. 这些专业人士也有助于选择正确的政策和适当的覆盖范围.

1 Some insurers have their own forms, which may differ from the standard contracts developed by ISO or AAIS.

These materials were reproduced with the permission of Advisys, Inc. 状态 Farm®实体没有准备这些材料,状态 Farm也不代表或保证其中表达的意见或陈述. These materials are being provided for information purposes only.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.


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