Woman searches through paperwork and on her laptop for a new apartment.

Prepare with a rental property checklist


Many cities have friendly neighborhoods with great properties. However, it's important to know what to look for when 租房子或公寓 这样你就可以对你感兴趣的每一处房产做出明智的评估.


Before you begin looking for an apartment, 确定你喜欢什么很有帮助,这样你就可以缩小你的选择范围.

  • Do you prefer an apartment, duplex or townhome?
  • 您需要多少房间? 你是想要一居室还是两居室,还是想要经济实惠的一居室?
  • 一楼或以上? 公寓 on the first floor have easier access, but apartments on second or third levels could provide extra security.
  • 你想要院子、阳台还是天井?
  • 你有吗? 宠物? 重要的是要知道房东是否允许养宠物,如果允许,允许养多大的宠物.
  • 安全重要吗?? Some complexes offer the added security of restricted entrances.
  • 你愿意付多少房租? 确保租金正常 在你的预算之内. 此外,考虑一下你是否想要更低的租金,这样你就可以为你的家庭储蓄 第一个家.




What to look for when renting an apartment

一份租赁清单将帮助您在查看房产时保持组织和准备. Here are some things to consider when renting an apartment:

  • Does it have what's on your wish list? 使用上面的愿望清单项目,找出你真正需要的和你想要的. It may help you with decisions during the process.
  • Does it have furnishings and 电器? 如果家具或 电器 are included, find out what condition they are in. It is common for renters to provide their own furnishings. 然而,情况并非总是如此. 如果单位是带家具的, 一定要问清楚合同的具体内容,这样当你搬进来的时候就不会有意外了.
  • 有停车位吗?? Some apartments have dedicated lots for your car. Others might rely on street-side parking. 如果有专用停车场的话, 询问是否有带顶棚的停车场, 你在那里可以开多少辆车,客人政策是什么.
  • 安全功能是什么? 询问 安全问题 如:
    • Is the building secured with a locked entry?
    • Are the doors to your apartment reinforced and what 锁和门栓的类型 使用?
    • 有监控摄像头吗?, 对讲系统或警报器是否一直处于正常工作状态并得到维护?
  • 租金是多少? Verify the asking price to guarantee you don't overpay. If the landlord states a higher rent price than listed, 强调不一致,以确保你得到较低的广告价格. 查看附近同类物业的租金,这样你就不会花太多钱. 同时,要做好识别的准备 潜在的租金诈骗.
  • Are t在这里 maintenance issues to address before you move in? 你应该检查一下水龙头, toilets and windows for potential water leaks, 看看橱柜和壁橱里面, 注意寻找漏洞, 找墙上的洞. Once you take possession, you might be responsible for any issues.
  • Find out how to submit a maintenance request. You should verify who makes the repairs. 您要确保房东妥善管理物业,并迅速响应维修请求. 找出维修程序是什么,并确认有适当的维修计划. 查看属性时, 公寓的现状将为房东的日常维护提供线索. Make a list of questions to ask your potential landlord about 公寓维修.
  • 这个社区是什么样的? When you are considering renting a specific property, ask your landlord about your potential neighbors. You should research your potential neighborhood and find out:
    • 邻居们觉得这个地区怎么样?
    • 大楼附近是否有夜间有噪音的商铺?
    • Is it a busy area with significant traffic due to the surroundings?
    • 当地警察局有关于该地区犯罪统计的在线或面对面的信息吗?
  • What is the application process and screening criteria? 要求房东解释申请和筛选流程以及申请费用. 一个彻底的筛选过程表明房东在寻找好的租客方面很小心. If a credit check is needed, read more about preparing for an apartment credit check.
  • What are the payment methods that are accepted for rent? Landlords can choose which forms of payment they will accept. 然而,一些房东让租客更容易,允许租客在网上支付租金. The option of online payment allows for automation, security and convenience for both tenant and landlord.
  • 最后,它是否符合你的预算? 对开支要现实. 确认属性是否合适 你的预算 so you are able to pay bills on time, 建立储蓄 还有钱娱乐、旅游,甚至买第一套房子. 询问潜在的隐性费用. 大楼里有游泳池或健身房吗?这些服务是否有预先没有提到的费用?

How to look for an apartment using online resources

T在这里 are many sites to help you look for apartments online. You can filter your search by location, 卧室和浴室的数量, 价格范围及设施, 仅举几个例子. 你也可以找到平方英尺, 物业内外的公用设施信息和图片. 通过缩小搜索范围, 只查看包含您偏好的可用列表可以节省时间和金钱.


联系 potential landlords and arrange for a tour

Once you find rentals you’re interested in, contact the landlord. 你可以把你的联系方式和租客历史记录发送给房东,这样房东就知道你已经准备好租了.

安全 tips to consider when viewing potential rental properties

  • 是不是好得令人难以置信? 只是有可能.
  • You know the saying — t在这里 is safety in numbers. 带上一个朋友.
  • 让别人知道你要去哪里,什么时候去,然后在会议结束后和他们联系.
  • 时刻注意你周围的环境. Look for quick exits in case of an emergency.
  • 确保你的手机很容易拿得到并且充满电——把它拿在手里.
  • 你的直觉告诉你什么? 相信它.


While you’re reviewing rental listings and viewing properties, be aware of some 潜在的租金诈骗 当你开始搜索的时候. 以下是一些例子:

  • Trying to get payment before even meeting or showing you the property
  • 因为找不到房东,所以想要钱来持有房产
  • 假的清单

If you become the victim of a scam, call the police immediately. And above all else, be safe when looking for potential apartments. 如果租赁清单看起来好得令人难以置信,那它可能是个骗局.

Renting can be an exciting time in your life, and you can make it as stress-free as possible with our 租房者指南,问正确的 你的潜在房东的问题, and foreseeing potential issues with a rental property checklist.

Once you've decided on the perfect place, 确保你有租客pp王者电子官网,以防意外发生. 现在获得免费报价.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.









Why do landlords require renters insurance?

在损失的情况下,房客pp王者电子官网保护的不仅仅是你的财产. Learn how renters insurance can benefit you as well as the landlord.

How do I know how much renters insurance to buy?


Common rental scams and landlord frauds

Rental and landlord scams are more common than you think. 学习如何判断租赁是否合法,以及如何避免公寓诈骗.

