

The wrong hinge style can leave your house vulnerable to burglary. 以下是其他选项.

有正确的门铰链和 门锁 能在 家庭安全. 当窃贼看你的门, they will look to see if the door swings outward and if t在这里 are exposed door hinges. This would allow them to tap the hinge pins up and out, 把门从铰链上抬起来, 不开锁就把门拆了.

Although many homes now install front doors so the hinges rest inside of the house, many exterior doors to garages and patios still swing outward and have their hinges exposed.


The safe door hinges, listed below, may help prevent exposed hinge pins from being removed, and may 阻止窃贼 试图把门拆下来. If apartment hinges are on the outside of your doors, 和你的房东谈谈 关于提高门的安全性. Even if your hinge pins are on the inside face of the door, it's still a good idea to use these hinges for added security.


One design keeps the hinge pin in place with a setscrew, or a small screw threaded through the middle of the hinge. If the door is closed, the setscrew can't be accessed. You also can make this hinge yourself by drilling a hole through the middle of the hinge and into the pin, 然后安装一个小固定螺丝. 然而, 如果门是开着的, 固定螺钉暴露在外,可以缩回, 铰链销被拆了. Remember to grind down this setscrew so would-be burglars cannot take it out.


这些销比铰链的高度长, 一旦插入铰链, they are crimped on their ends to create a rivet on the top and bottom of the pin. 卷曲防止大头针的移除. These pins give the most security, but you won't be able to easily detach your door if you need to. You will have to remove the hinges entirely to do so.


安全 studs or pegs offer another option to keep your hinges secure. You can purchase hinges with this stud already in place, but if the screw-holes on the two si­­des (or leaves) of your hinges line up, a stud or small metal peg can be installed in one of the holes to fit into the corresponding leaf's hole when the door is closed. 这种方式, 即使铰链销被拆下, the door still cannot be taken off its hinges because the stud holds it in place. If the screw-holes on the hinge leaves don't line up, you can drill a matching hole and then place a screw without a head or a short, thick nail into one of the screw-holes and have it projecting out to engage the opposite leaf. 安全 studs are a good security measure if you still need to remove your door from time to time, but don't want to commit the time and effort to unscrew its hinges.


Before making any adjustments or retrofits to your door hinges, it's best to consult a locksmith or security contractor. They can assess your hinges and make any other professional recommendations to keep your doorways secure.

Remember, secure door hinges aren't guaranteed to deter or keep out all intruders. They might help reduce the likelihood of intruders by ensuring your hinges are secure. 如果你要租公寓,请咨询你的房东 房东要你把铰链固定好 还有其他的吗? 改善你的公寓 你想做什么.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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