Infographic about how to prepare for a wildfire.

Wildfire safety: What to do before a wildfire


每年, wildfires threaten homes throughout the United 状态s, especially those located in or near wilderness areas. 下面的野火安全提示可以帮助你评估你的风险,并找到保护你的家和家人免受野火伤害的方法.

How should you prepare for a wildfire?

Good wildfire planning begins long before a fire occurs. 帮助 ensure your family's safety by installing and maintaining 烟雾报警器 and fire extinguishers in your home. 也, identify adequate sources of water within 1,距离你的家1000英尺, 比如井, 消火栓或游泳池.

As with all emergency situations, you should develop a 防灾 计划包括 灾难救生包 and an emergency evacuation plan.

How can I stay informed about wildfires?

森林大火 feed on vegetation; hot, dry conditions increase the risk and speed of a wildfire. 要了解更多有关您所在地区野火风险的信息,请访问以下网站:

当野火威胁存在时,使用电池供电的无线电保持对当前信息的了解. 森林大火 can move very quickly. 如果当局发布了野火疏散令,请立即离开该地区.


保护你的家免受可能的野火破坏的最好方法是在你家周围30英尺的安全区域内移除或减少潜在的燃料. (如果你住在高风险地区,将安全区域增加到100英尺).

  • Remove vines from house walls.
  • Remove shrubs and other landscaping away from your house walls.
  • 移走高度易燃和低枝的树木,如常青树、桉树和杜松.
  • For remaining trees, remove limbs within 15 feet of the ground.
  • 清理树木残骸,如倒下的树枝、树叶、松针和松果.
  • Move stacked wood outside the safety zone.
  • 特别注意清理甲板和其他悬垂物下的碎片.
  • Consider removing wooden exterior structures, 比如甲板和天井, or replacing them with more fire resistant materials.
  • 安装 不易燃的屋顶 and siding materials, such as metal, slate or concrete.
  • 清理排水沟的杂物.
  • 安装 electrical lines underground, if possible.
  • 保持一个 家里的库存 用你的 pp王者电子官网代理人 yearly to ensure you are properly insured.



  • 可饮用的水,
  • 不易腐烂的食品,
  • 急救箱,
  • 口罩或遮盖物;
  • 处方药物,
  • 眼镜或隐形眼镜;
  • Flashlights and radios (extra batteries),
  • Whistle or other sound signaling device,
  • 一刀多用,
  • 医疗卡和记录
  • Copies of important documents,
  • Waterproof bags or containers, and
  • 宠物食品和水.

Before a wildfire evacuation


  • 在家庭离散的情况下,指定两个替代性的见面地点.
  • 如果受到野火的威胁,确保油箱是满的,并且你手头有现金.
  • 确保你的钱包或钱包里有钥匙、身份证和信用卡.
  • Pack all necessities to avoid delays from unnecessary stops.
  • 带上食物和水,兽医记录和宠物接种疫苗的证明.




  • 呆在室内,
  • Keep all windows and doors shut,
  • 躲在火源靠近的另一端的房间里
  • Keep away from perimeter walls.

Warning or voluntary evacuation

  • Review the evacuation plan,
  • Prepare the evacuation bag,
  • 准备离开,然后
  • 野火移动迅速且不可预测,因此考虑在预警阶段撤离.

强制性的 or immediate evacuation order

  • Evacuate immediately if required by law, and
  • Use identified evacuation routes.

10 essentials for your wildfire evacuation kit:

  1. Drinkable water (1 gallon per day, per person)
  2. Sealed prepared meals (at least a 10-day supply)
  3. 急救箱
  4. Prescription medications in sealed containers
  5. 防水,电池供电或手摇曲柄供电手电筒和收音机
  6. A whistle or other sound-signaling device
  7. 带刀的多功能工具
  8. Identification and medical cards
  9. Any necessary medical records
  10. Waterproof bags or containers


If your family gets split up, 提前决定好见面的地点,但也要加上另一个目的地.

气体 & 现金

When a storm threatens, keep your gas tank full and withdraw 现金. Power outages make pumps and ATMs unusable.


Plan to pack and not stop unless traffic necessitates it. Stopping for food or drinks may significantly delay you.


带上宠物的水和食物,以及兽医记录和疫苗接种证明. Be sure your destination is pet-friendly.

撤离还是留下来? T在这里 are two evacuation orders:


Heed the voluntary evacuation if the following apply:

  • 你住在易发生野火的地区、移动房屋或结构不稳定的建筑中.
  • 与小孩、老人或有特殊需要的人一起旅行.


During a mandatory evacuation you must, by law, leave.

  • Use identified evacuation routes even if traffic is bad; alternative routes may be closed.

疏散公式. It's how officials determine who should leave first. 一般来说,这些地区和人口最容易受到野火的影响.

留下来的命令. 如果离开可能会导致交通堵塞和被困在车里的人的危险, 官方可能会决定人们留在家中是否更安全.


春季到秋季: 只要地面没有完全被雪覆盖,野火就会发生, but typically happen during Spring through Fall

100亿美元:2018年 火-巴特县,加利福尼亚州;昂贵的你.S. 野火造成财产损失.

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What to do after a house fire




Tips for home fire safety and prevention

Fires in your home can devastate your family and property alike. Increase your fire preparedness with these basic fire prevention tips.


的 aftermath of a wildfire can feel overwhelming. 当你可以回家的时候,要知道从哪里开始,以及在康复过程中如何保证安全.