

Managing a rental can be a lot of work, but with the right advice and tools, it can be easy. 考虑以下筛选技巧.

Maybe you've just invested in your first rental property or you're in the process of renting out a home you used to live in. Either way, you're a first-time landlord and you might not know w在这里 to begin. 管理出租物业 can be a lot of work, but with the right advice and tools, it can be easy.

After your rental property is ready to be rented, 在这里 are some steps to becoming a landlord.


作为房东, you will want to become familiar and understand the ever-changing landlord-tenant laws. It is important you stay up to date on building codes, regulations and rules at the 联邦在美国,州和地方各级. 你可以打电话给住房部门开始你的调查, 如果你的州有的话, and speak with your local administration office to learn about rental property rules and regulations. Make sure any research or books you choose are applicable to your state and are from a reputable source whether that is an expert lawyer or publisher.


首先,你需要找到租客来出租你的空置单元. This might require some prep work if you're new to this and you may want to check out the latest 租赁的趋势. 首先,确保你的房产处于最佳状态. Complete any maintenance that needs to be done, such as painting the walls or updating appliances. Next, take photos of every room in the property, as well as the exterior. 然后是上市的时候了.

你可以 列出出租单位 in your local newspapers, use "For Rent" signs, hire brokers or list the unit online. 如果你在网上列出, your listing will be available 24/7 and allow potential tenants to view a description of the unit along with photos.

W在这里 you list your property will impact how many prospective tenants see your listing and the quality of the tenants you're attracting. 为了帮助最大化利益和吸引合适的租户,请考虑:

  • 在多个地方列出你的财产.
  • 确保它们是高质量的地方,有责任心的租户会去找.
  • 创建并遵循 彻底的筛选过程.


Once you have some interest, you should start screening the potential tenants:

如今,在网上筛选租客很容易. Tenants have the option to authorize an application and reports without providing their Social 安全 Number. 这也是一个软调查,所以他们的信用评分不会受到影响.

After choosing a tenant and agreeing to important lease terms (date of occupancy, 租金价格, 按金或费用金额), 是时候把事情正式化了. 你准备好了 签订租赁合同.

Writing a lease from scratch takes time and requires research, and hiring a lawyer can be expensive. Another option is to customize a rental lease template that follows your local laws — that way, 工作已经替你完成了.


与上述步骤类似,请考虑 网上收租. 租客喜欢网上支付的便利, 包括汽车-pay, 你会直接存入你的银行账户. 网上收租, 你不必担心发送租金提醒, rent receipts or manually following up with your tenant if they pay late.


Your property is your investment — it pays to keep your rental property in good condition. 另外, 租户可能会继续照顾你的财产 如果这是你树立的榜样.

To 维护你的财产,这里有几个关键的地方可以开始:

  • Check up on the property at least every three months, if not every month.
  • Give your tenants an easy way for them to contact you about maintenance and other questions or problems.
  • 及时跟进并解决维修和维护问题.


成为房东也可能带来潜在的责任. Make sure you have acquired landlord insurance to protect your property and financial assets from accidents and sudden loss. 通常, 房东pp王者电子官网包括财产结构等项目, 维修期间租金收入的损失, 还有医疗费和诉讼费, 如果与你的财产有关.

与你的 本地状态 Farm®代理 以确定您需要的pp王者电子官网类型.


管理出租物业 can be challenging as you keep valuable records and stay organized. It is imperative to do a thorough inspection and capture photos prior to a tenant moving in. This will help ensure you are aware of damages after a tenant moves out and if the security deposit should be retained for the repair work. 这里有一些方法可以帮助你:

  • 利用 a filing system for receipts including those from reimbursements, 水电费, 房产税, pp王者电子官网费, 抵押贷款和广告费用.
  • Maintain proper paper and electronic copies of all documents for legal and tax purposes.
  • 提供保证金和租金的收据.
  • Communication with tenants, employees and maintenance people should be documented.
  • Safely store rental applications, lease agreements, insurance documents and repair bills.
  • 考虑使用防火pp王者电子官网柜来存放重要文件.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

状态 Farm及其代理人都不提供税务或法律建议.







T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



Tenant screening helps minimize the risk of renting to high-risk applicants.


驱逐可能是一个漫长的过程, 对房东和租客来说,这是一个艰巨的过程, 所以了解具体原因是很重要的, 程序和费用.




Understanding the current trends in the rental industry will help both landlords and tenants navigate this changing landscape.