A woman applies bug spray to her hands to prevent bug bites during hike.


发现保护自己的方法, identify dangerous bug bites and stings and understand what to do if they bite you.

Spider and insect bites or stings can quickly suck the fun out of your outdoor recreation. 等活动 去野营,烹饪食物在一个 户外烧烤 or 游泳 都会导致蚊虫叮咬吗. 出门之前,请考虑以下几点.



  • 穿好防护服. 轻量级的裤子, 长袖衬衫, 一顶帽子, 手套, high socks and closed-toe shoes can help provide protection when working or 在外面玩的, camping, or even when working inside crawl spaces or infested areas.
  • 清除马蜂窝. Have a professional remove wasp nests close to your home or other living areas.
  • 安装屏幕. Install tight-fitting window and door screens to keep insects from getting inside your home.
  • 使用蚊帐. 如果睡在户外, you can hang a bed net treated with pyrethroid insecticide over your sleeping area to help reduce mosquito interactions.
  • 使用排斥的. 根据标签说明,建议使用 杀虫剂 出门前要清洗衣服和皮肤. Natural and essential oils can be used as 杀虫剂 and help you avoid chemical exposure. 薰衣草, 柠檬草和百里香是养恙虫的其他选择, 跳蚤, 蚊子和蜱虫飞走了. Basil, clove, eucalyptus, lavender and peppermint help keep flies away, as well.
  • 消除积水. 蚊子可以在少量的水中繁殖, 因此,尽量定期倾倒或排空轮胎, 排水沟, 水盆, 手推车, 玩具, 花盆和花盆.
  • 种植驱虫的植物. 某些植物, including marigolds, chrysanthemums, lavender and floss flowers, are able to help ward off bugs. Similarly, herbs such as basil, mint and rosemary help repel a broad spectrum of insects.
  • 使用蜡烛或燃烧草药. 香茅烟可以驱赶蚊子和其他昆虫. Also, burning sage or rosemary over coals can help repel mosquitoes.
  • 在你的院子或家里建一个蝙蝠屋. 一只棕色的小蝙蝠可以吃掉数百只蚊子.
  • 限制香水. Bugs may be attracted to the smells coming from your perfume, cologne or lotion.



乍一看,这些昆虫似乎并不危险, 但是它们可以传播疾病, 引发过敏或成为滋扰, 所以,继续往下读,了解你面临的是什么.

  • 蚊子 以咬人痒而闻名吗, but a more severe consequence may include the contraction of diseases and viruses like the Zika virus, 疟疾和登革热病毒.
  • 蜜蜂 have stings that can cause moderate pain but more worrisome interactions occur if you are allergic. 如果你不确定自己是否过敏, 被叮后要保持警惕,以防出现荨麻疹等症状, 瘙痒, 肿胀或呼吸困难.
  • 蜱虫 are wingless brown or reddish-brown arthropods typically found in grassy, brushy or wooded areas. They may carry Lyme disease, cause 过敏反应 or heighten your risk of infection.


避开带亮的昆虫, 对比图案,比如黑色和黄色, 红色或橙色, 因为这些颜色经常显示他们是 有毒的或有毒的. 这里有一些需要注意的.

  • 褐隐蛛 can be ¼ to ¾ inch long and have violin-shape markings on their bodies.
  • 黑寡妇蜘蛛 are about 1½ inches long and typically have red, hourglass-shape markings on the abdomen.
  • 黄蜂, 其中包括黄夹克和大黄蜂, can be identified by a black and yellow or brown-red color pattern.
  • 非洲蜜蜂 look like regular honey bees but tend to swarm their targets with hundreds of stings.
  • 红火蚁 长度小于1 / 4英寸,颜色为红棕色. They will bite and sting repeatedly if their colony is threatened.


观察 过敏反应 立即治疗咬伤和蜇伤很重要. Many bites go away on their own but 在这里 are a few ways to help 对待他们.

  • 搬到安全的地方去. Try to move away from the location of the incident to help reduce the risk of additional bites or stings.
  • 去除毒刺. Some wasp and bee stings require removing the stinger from the area, if possible. Using your fingernail to scrape the skin is usually sufficient to remove the stinger.
  • 彻底清洁. 用肥皂和水清洗蜘蛛和蚊子叮咬处, and wash tick-affected areas with an antiseptic such as rubbing alcohol.
  • 提升面积. If arms or legs are affected, elevating the area can help reduce swelling.
  • 冷敷. Applying a cool compress or ice to the bite can also help reduce swelling and may subdue itchiness.
  • 涂抹面霜或其他治疗方法. Some pain relievers and lotions such as hydrocortisone cream, 炉甘石洗剂或小苏打膏可能会有帮助. 抗组胺药也可能有助于减轻瘙痒.
  • 如果过敏,请立即就医. Even if your reaction seems minor, consider contacting your doctor. Call 911 or your local emergency number if symptoms include difficulty breathing, 嘴唇肿胀, 眼睑或喉咙, 头晕, 心跳加速, 荨麻疹, 恶心或癫痫发作.
  • 如果问题仍然存在,请致电“解毒帮助”. If you suspect the bite or sting may be poisonous or don’t have allergies and are experiencing unusual symptoms such as 头晕, 荨麻疹, 呼吸困难或眼睛和嘴巴周围肿胀, 采取行动至关重要. Call Poison 帮助 (1-800-222-1222) to connect with your local poison center.

对付一个稍大一点的害虫? 看看我们的一些 自制害虫管理和野生动物控制技巧.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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Food safety and illness prevention are important when cooking and dining outdoors. 我们有食物准备,储存和烹饪技巧.


Choose your campground and pack for a comfortable experience with these camping safety tips.