Two little boys are sitting on the floor protecting their finances by placing the coins in jars.


当通货膨胀高企,经济不稳定时, you'll be better able to weather any storm with a smart financial plan.

The economy can bring about plenty of uncertainties, but with 高通货膨胀 对很多人来说,这是头等大事. 如果你有一定的财务保障措施, 你也许能更好地抵御潜在的风暴. Here are some suggestions on how to fight inflation that may help you maintain a solid financial footing.


  • 偿还债务. 尽管这很有挑战性, 减少债务 这是你的首要任务之一 信用卡余额 高利率.
  • 创建或增加应急基金. If you receive a refund, bonus or raise, consider putting a percentage of that money towards your 应急基金 或储蓄.
  • 考虑为你的房子再融资. If mortgage interest rates are low, you may want to look into a fixed-rate loan. If you have an adjustable-rate mortgage and switch over to a fixed-rate mortgage, it may be easier to set a budget when you know what your mortgage payment will be.
  • 想办法缩减开支. 考虑搬到一个更小,更实惠的房子或 公寓. 同时, sell possessions that you no longer use — such as an exercise bike or collections of items that no longer interest you — and 省钱.
  • 减少不必要的开支. Review your voluntary spending such as takeout, streaming subscriptions, entertainment or travel.
  • 购物时省钱. 利用优惠券, 信用卡积分, store loyalty programs or membership cards that offer gas rewards. Try buying generic brands and even generic prescriptions to help you save even more.
  • 尽量靠一份薪水生活. 如果你和你的伴侣都有工作, challenge yourselves to live on one income and put some or all of 剩下的是储蓄. Consider depositing some of that money into accounts that are accessible for emergencies.
  • 谈判. It doesn't hurt to ask for lower rates on credit cards and for discounts on merchandise. If t在这里 are sign-up fees for a particular service, see if that fee can be waived. Some retailers may agree, in hopes of keeping you as a customer.
  • 重新协商每月的服务账单. These services include things such as cell phone plans, cable and internet. Many providers offer an introductory rate to attract new customers. After a certain amount of time, the rates steadily creep up. Look at your monthly costs and contact those companies to see if they are willing to negotiate a better price. 这是一个从你的每月预算中节省钱的好方法.
  • 检查每月订阅. 订阅流媒体频道, 美容产品, 杂志和快递服务很容易被遗忘, 但成本在一年的时间里不断增加. 这是一个很好的实践来衡量这些需要和想要. 一旦你这样做了,它可以帮助你减少必需品.
  • 用现金购物. 现在只花你手头的钱. 推迟需要你购买的东西 增加信用卡余额 直到你攒够了钱.
  • 丰富你的薪资潜力. Learn new skills, ask for more responsibilities at work or even start a small part-time business. 在经济低迷时期,你的专业知识 使处于某一位置 may help make you invaluable to your company — or give you options should you be downsized.
  • 要求加薪. 虽然这对一些人来说可能是一个不舒服的谈话, 这不是不合理的要求, 尤其是在接近创纪录的高通胀时期. 为你的事业辩护总是很重要的.


  • 洗劫你的退休账户. 你通常要支付10%的联邦所得税罚款 提前撤资你会亏欠你的未来.
  • 让pp王者电子官网失效. Keep your home, disability, life and car insurance coverage current. If something happens to you during a down time, you'll need that protection.
  • 共同签署贷款. 这是有风险的 unless you're sure you can shoulder the entire burden yourself. Even if the co-signer is trustworthy, t在这里's no guarantee he or she won't default.
  • 承担额外债务. 彻底评估任何导致负债的支出. A student loan for your child may be a reasonable debt — but a big credit card expense is not.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 国营农场® (including 国营农场 Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 国营农场 makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

国营农场® and its affiliates do not provide tax, investment, or legal advice. 联邦和州税法可能会发生变化. If tax, investment, or legal advice is required, please seek the services of a licensed professional.




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