技巧3:打包. 打包午餐可以省钱.


Going out to eat adds up, especially when it's a daily habit. Try bringing lunch to work vs buying to watch your savings grow.


打包午餐不只是孩子们的专利. 事实上,这是一个非常成熟的省钱策略. Although dining out for lunch during the work day may feel habitual or be a positive point during your day, 还有其他方式来享受午餐时间. 你仍然可以社交, 散散步, and enjoy a meal with coworkers without spending money multiple times a week. 事实上,美国人平均每人每年花费大约 每年3000美元 关于外出就餐. 现在, think about how many times on average you eat out for lunch and instead imagine that amount sitting in your savings account. 听起来很不错,不是吗?


注意你的碳水化合物或卡路里? 钠呢?? Have you taken a look at the nutritional value of some take-out food? 这可能会吓到你. 这些选择大多是经过处理的 过量的部分. 一般餐馆的午餐都有 高达827卡路里.

Bringing your own lunch allows you to make healthier choices. Grocery stores offer more organic and healthy options so you can load up your lunch box and eat healthier at both work and home.


If you're not sure how to make the homemade lunch feel less "brown bagged," try a different method. With a little planning, you can prepare a healthy and delicious meal to-go. 如今,有 数不清的方法来打包一顿有趣的午餐. With the help from blogs, Pinterest, cooking sites and even your friends, you can 想想棕色袋子之外的东西.

  • 晚餐准备 -试着准备 多吃饭 在一次烹饪中. 例如, 如果你做一大堆的炒菜, you can eat that for lunch a couple times during the week. You'll have lunch ready to grab-and-go, making the weekdays a little easier.
  • 午餐交换 ― Team up with a friend at work and plan to prepare meals, then trade! If you discuss preferences and eating habits ahead of time, you'll find yourself pleasantly surprised by a lunch that is prepared for you. 反之亦然! 此外,你还可以展示你的烹饪技巧.
  • 混搭 ― Pick a theme each week and challenge yourself to cook in that category. 例如, you could decide to "travel the world" in a month and try traditional foods from various countries. 这种方式, 你的饮食不会陷入无聊的例行公事, and you might learn some cooking skills along the way.


It's easy to grab that cup of coffee at your favorite coffee shop every morning. And maybe you even grab another one later in the day. 那杯咖啡可能要花你大约 每年1500美元. 为什么不混合一下,省点钱呢. Many coffee shops now sell their own bags of beans or ground coffee. You can still support local by purchasing the bagged coffee and taking it home and making your own cup of Joe in the mornings. Investing in a good coffee maker then making your own coffee before you leave for work might save you hundreds of dollars every year ― Cha清.

Packing a lunch can be fun, especially if you think beyond a peanut butter and jelly. 除了省钱, 你可能会学到一门新的烹饪技巧, eat healthier food and socialize with different people at work. 这是1胜乘以4.

下一个建议:设定小目标来取得大成功. If goals are hard to reach, they become unattainable. Try scaling them down to be bite-sized and easier to achieve.

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