

无论你是在考虑兑现你的401k还是从中贷款, consider this information to help you make an informed decision.

After years of regular contributions, a 401k plan through your employer may become one of your largest financial assets. 在某些情况下, 你的雇主可能会允许你以该计划中的资金为抵押借款, which may be another financial benefit to you. 在其他情况下, 你可能想要兑现你的401k或采取401k经济困难提取. 这里有一些信息可以帮助你理解401k的财务行为, some rules and tax implications.


如果你 are considering a loan from your 401k plan, 看看雇主的计划,看看你是否可以借鉴. Here are some things to keep in mind.

  • 401k贷款限额. For many plans, the IRS says "the maximum amount that the plan can permit as a loan is either the greater of $10,000 or 50% of your vested account balance, or $50,000, 取较小者."
  • 401美元贷款 repayment rules. T在这里 are requirements for repayment of a 401美元贷款. 首先,这笔钱必须在五年内偿还. 如果你退出, are laid off or if the 401k plan is terminated, the loan will typically become due within 60 days. 这除了会降低你的退休储蓄外,还会给你带来很大的经济压力. Another drawback is that if the 贷款未偿还 当由于, 然后贷款余额将被视为提款,可能需要缴纳所得税,如果你的年龄小于59岁半,还需要缴纳10%的罚款税.
  • 401k贷款利息. You'll have to pay the money back with interest, 在许多情况下,这可能比金融机构或信用卡收取的利息要低. 好消息是, the interest is credited to your 401k account, 不是对你的雇主, so you are paying the money back to yourself. Paying the loan back comes right out of your paycheck, too. 所以请记住,这将降低你的实得工资,直到贷款还清.

Cashing out your 401k

当你离开你的工作时,从你的401k中取出一大笔钱,把它放在你的手中,而不是把它滚动到一个新的401k或个人退休账户中,这可能是很诱人的. 但如果你决定走这条路,了解税收后果是很重要的.

401 k翻转

当你 辞职, you can take your 401k with you. 如果你 roll over your 401k balance into an IRA 或者你的新雇主的退休计划,你的钱会在退休后继续增长. 直接滚转字面意思是你将资金从一个账户滚到另一个账户, 而不是通过交易将钱直接归你所有.

401 k的税收

Unless you are 59½ or older, 一般来说,您必须为提取的资金缴纳所得税以及10%的罚款税. That may make the withdrawal very expensive.

如果你've left your employer and are over age 59½, 如果你把401k余额作为应税分配,你就不会面临10%的联邦税罚款. 除非部分资金已被指定,否则您必须就提取的总金额纳税 罗斯贡献. 如果你're still employed, 即使你已经59岁半或以上,这个计划也会限制你的账户余额的提取. 在从你的401k计划中提取应税分配之前,考虑咨询一下你的税务顾问.

Required minimum distributions (RMDs), 从你72岁之后的4月开始(如果你在1月1日之前是77.5岁), 2020), will be necessary for any balance kept in the 401k plan.

401k hardship withdrawal

一些401k计划可能允许你在经济困难的情况下从退休中提取钱. 这 type of hardship distribution needs to be due to a heavy and immediate financial need. 提取的金额仅限于满足需要所需的金额.

Some of the scenarios considered to be a financial hardship are:

  • Medical bills for you or your family.
  • Expenses related to the purchase of a primary residence, excluding mortgage payments.
  • Tuition and related educational 费用 and costs for family.
  • Expenses from a declared disaster.
  • 为防止从主要住所被驱逐或丧失抵押品赎回权而支付的费用.
  • 埋葬 or 丧葬费 for a spouse or dependent.
  • 主要住宅损坏的修理费用.

然而, your employer may elect for all, 这些人中的一些或没有资格从401k计划中艰难提取. 也, if you receive a hardship withdrawal from the 401k plan, you may not be able to contribute to your account for six months. And amounts withdrawn can’t be repaid to your plan. 这些提款通常需要缴纳所得税和10%的罚款(对于年龄在59岁半以下的参与者)。, so consider it as a last resort for a serious emergency.

Unpredictable situations in life like leaving your job, 负债 or experiencing an illness may prompt you to get a loan, cash out or take money from your 401k account. 但只有在你花光了你的现金储蓄账户后再考虑. 你最好找到其他收入来源或不同的贷款类型. That way, you can help keep your 退休基金 safe for its true purpose, 退休.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm无关的各种来源® (包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

Neither 状态 Farm nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.

在将资产从雇主赞助的退休计划转到个人退休账户之前, 重要的是,客户要了解他们的选择,并对每种账户类型提供的担保和保护的差异以及流动性/贷款的差异进行全面比较, 投资类型, 费用, and any potential penalties.

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