

Make sure you ask the 房屋租赁问题 before signing a lease and moving in.

在你决定租房子之后 找到你的完美公寓在美国,迅速签订租赁协议并搬进去是一种诱人的选择. 但是,退一步看. 问 房屋租赁问题. 被告知. 然后,选择搬进来,或者不搬进来.



在你迈出最后一步之前, 申请信用报告. 房东和租赁代理使用潜在租客的 信贷 to make sure they have a positive history of paying bills and paying them on time. 通过提前知道是否有任何值得关注的项目, you have an opportunity to fix them or talk to 房东 in advance about them.


Deposits and fees can sometimes get tricky if they haven't been discussed thoroughly with your landlord before signing a lease. Knowing all the ins and outs of the security deposit and any additional fees of your rental can make you feel much more at ease.





准备好以前房东的推荐信. 如果你以前从未租过房子, 你可能仍然有一份包括雇主在内的推荐信清单, 朋友, 同事,甚至是大学教授. You’ll need to include their name, phone number, address and an email address. Be sure your references speak positively about you and that they have given permission to be contacted.


You’ll want to be ready to show proof of employment so 房东 is confident you can pay your rent. And you might have to provide bank account information — so have your account numbers handy. Bring your checkbook with available funds in case you need to make a payment to hold a rental.


确切地说,你什么时候签公寓租约或出租? 你一签字,租约就可以开始了. 但你会在签字后马上接手并搬进来吗? Some landlords may want new tenants to sign the lease as close as possible to the date the previous tenant vacates. 但是要记住, t在这里 may be a delay in the actual move in date since the property might need repairs and cleaning. You could be paying rent on the property for days or weeks before you move in. Try to sign the lease as close as possible to your move in date or request the start of the lease to begin just before or the day you move in.


一般来说,答案是否定的. 租赁是一种 有约束力的合同 房东和租客之间签订合同. 任何一方的改变都可能产生负面影响. 如果双方都认为需要改变, an addendum could be added that would be signed by 房东 and the tenant. 另一个可以更改的时间是在租约续期期间.

你能在租赁开始前退出吗? Some leases may include a set number of days after signing the lease in which either party may cancel the lease. Be sure to read the lease before signing so you know what you are committing to.


签合同是件大事! 这里有一些房东和房客之间的问题可以让你开始.

  • 物业是如何管理的? Clarify “Who should I contact for maintenance-related issues, and who should I pay rent to?“这应该很清楚 物业经理的角色 戏剧与. 房东. Or if 房东 — in the case that you’re renting a property other than an apartment — handles all relative issues.

  • 租客需要pp王者电子官网吗? It’s becoming more common for landlords to ask renters to purchase and maintain 租房者pp王者电子官网. 如果他们要求,他们通常会要求提供pp王者电子官网证明. 如果你忘了问这个问题, it should be listed in documents provided to you by 房东 in preparation of you renting.

  • 在进入我的单位之前,你会提前通知我多少时间? 所有的租赁协议都应该有进入权条款, 哪些国家会发生什么,当你的房东需要进入你的单位. 适当的预警时间为24小时左右, 但请查看你所在州的法律要求. Keep in mind that landlords are required by law to give you notice before entering, 除非是紧急情况. Understanding the rules in place helps you know what to expect when a situation arises.

  • 允许养宠物吗?? 如果你有宠物,或者打算买一个,你需要知道他们是否被允许. Also, ask “What are the pet-related rules and if t在这里 is a pet deposit or monthly pet rent?“即使你没有宠物,这仍然是一个重要的问题. 如果你的房东允许养宠物, it typically indicates t在这里 will be other residents in your building with them. 如果你担心新环境中的宠物, 那你应该早点知道.

  • 有没有噪音限制规定? 一个常见的租客投诉是不得不处理 吵闹的邻居. So ask your landlord if t在这里's a clause in the rental agreement that addresses disruptive behavior. Most rental agreements have a clause that prohibits noise past a certain hour.

  • 租约的期限是多长? 仔细检查一下租赁协议的期限. 永远不要以为你的期限是标准的12个月.

  • 租约到期后我应该期待什么? 我有哪些续订选择? 询问你的潜在房东是否提供续约选择,以及如何提供. Landlords typically offer rental renewal agreements on a case-by-case basis. They may ask if you want to renew around 90 days before your current rental agreement expires. Some landlords have an automatic renewal clause, which they should make you aware of in advance.

    有时房东会自动增加一定数额的租金. In this case, you should know the increase before considering a rental agreement renewal. You also might ask if your landlord offers month-to-month tenancy after your current lease is up, 以防万一.

    Inquiring about rental agreement renewals may seem like we're getting ahead of ourselves, 但最好提前了解你的选择. 了解情况,这样你在签租约时才会觉得舒服.

在你签了租约,搬进新家之后, 还记得, 你的租金仍然是房东的财产. 了解如何 让你的租金保持在最佳状态.

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在房东调出你的信用报告之前, review it for potential errors or reported debts that can be paid to better your score.


租金, deposits and fees can sometimes get tricky if they haven't been discussed thoroughly with your landlord before signing a rental agreement.


Use our rental property inspection checklist so you're organized and prepared when looking at rental listings.


A guide to renting an apartment to help you understand what you and your landlord are responsible for.