A teenager hands over a credit card as a payment for coffee.


Lessons on money management for teens before they head to college, 包括如何制定预算, strategies for saving money and ways to use credit responsibly.

Money management is a vital skill that teenagers should consider learning. It can help them handle their finances better when they become adults. We share some tips for teens and parents to help them get started.


预算 is the first money management skill teens should learn. 以下是一些你需要知道的事情:

  • 注意开支. 青少年可以从记录他们的日常开支开始. 这 could be on anything — clothes, fun activities, music, coffee or school supplies. Recording the expenses can help them see their spending pattern.
  • 做一些计算. Teens can add up all the money they get from different places, 像津贴, 礼物或兼职工作, 然后先减去必要的开支. If the money isn't enough, they'll need to figure out how to 花更少的 或者赚更多.


开始 从小就开始存钱 好习惯会持续一生吗. 这里有一些关于青少年如何省钱的建议:

  • 是一致的. Teens can make a plan to 保存 a fixed percentage of income every month. 这可以帮助他们养成储蓄的习惯.
  • 看着钱增长. To help 保存 consistently, teens may want to consider opening a 储蓄账户. Some student 储蓄账户s have benefits like low fees or good interest rates. 这 计算器 可以向他们展示储蓄是如何随着时间的推移而增长的.
  • 查看银行对账单. Looking at bank statements can show them what money comes in and what goes out. It could also highlight areas w在这里 they can cut back and 保存 more towards long-term goals, like 买车 或者去 旅行.


使用信用卡 有好处也有风险. Here's some information to help teens use it correctly:

  • 授权用户. 如果一个青少年是信用卡的授权用户, establish rules and responsibilities related to spending limits, 收费及付款. It can help teach them to be disciplined and responsible on how they use their money and what they can use the card for.
  • 学生信用卡. Some banks offer credit cards for older teens and young adults. If they pay the bill on time and don't carry a large balance, it can help them build a good 信用记录. 当他们需要的时候,这将是有用的 买房子 或者是未来的汽车.
  • 对信用负责. Using a credit card and not paying the full amount owed each month will result in 信用卡利息,这些钱可以迅速积累起来. Teens should try to avoid buying things on credit that they can't afford to pay for immediately.

When teenagers learn financial skills, it can help set them up for a successful 金融的未来. 知道如何预算, 保存, and manage credit will help them make smarter decisions about their money as they grow up.

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